this is the most glorious egg i’ve ever seen. why? because it’s Our First Egg. we’ve been waiting and waiting, knowing for the last few weeks that it could come any day now (chickens begin laying at about 5 months old). we weren’t sure who would lay first, or whether we would even know, but as it turns out this slender white egg could only be from our White Leghorn, Grace*. she’s the flightiest and the smallest of our hens, and yet she laid the primordial egg!
this happened last thursday; Mr. Smith found it when he was putting the chickens to bed. we now have 5 white eggs and, whaddya know, yesterday miss Joan laid her first (brown) egg too.
we had an omelet for breakfast this morning…
*since, if you’ve been keeping up, we’ve had to name NINE chickens, we ran out of Mad Men names. and Grace just looks like a Grace.