Photo by Emily Cassel for Scout Somerville

photo by Emily Cassel for Scout Somerville
hello March! signs of Spring are abounding in the Hudson Valley, even though technically we’ve got a way to go, and my teaching schedule is waking up accordingly! this month i have a few local classes, and i’m off to the Boston area for two days at my pal AmyLou’s beautiful new workshop space Craftwork Somerville. i’ve only visited this hot new venue when it was still a bright and lovely work-in-progress, back in September when we were en route to Fiber College in Maine. shortly after that, classes began, and it’s been a hub of craft activity ever since! i love the range of makery on offer, everything from the quintessential knitting, crochet, sewing, weaving, and dyeing, to herbal tonics, bra construction and tarot card reading. i highly suggest you subscribe to her newsletter so you don’t miss anything!
Amy felt the need in her neighborhood for a creative community space for adults and kids, and to share her love of fiber — and other — arts. you can read a sweet article about Amy and her shop over at Scout Somerville and get a better sense of the dynamo she is.
if you’ve ever met AmyLou, you know her boundless energy and generous spirit. if you haven’t, within 30 seconds she’ll feel like your new best friend. i can’t wait to spend the weekend at Craftwork and experience the creative community she’s building!
i’m teaching two classes that weekend, and both are perfect if you’re itching to get started on your handmade wardrobe for Spring! on Saturday March 12 we’ll be making one of my favorite projects, the Folk Dress. it’s based on the classic Mexican wedding dress, and it’s a super customizable, loose-fitting blouse, tunic or dress you can really make your own. if you’re comfortable using a sewing machine (even if you’ve never sewn clothes), you’ve got the skills to make this.
and on Sunday the 13th, we’ll be Making Our Own Leggings! first i’ll teach you to draft your own pattern, using your body’s unique measurements. then we’ll stitch up a fit sample, correct your pattern if needed, and sew a REAL pair of custom leggings! this is a perfect introduction to sewing with knits, if that’s a bridge you haven’t yet crossed.
both classes still have a few spots open, so i hope you’ll consider joining us. if you can’t, please tell a friend!
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