i know if you read my blog that you are an appreciater of handmade goods. so if you are anywhere within the accessible vicinity of NYC, i urge you to come out and support your local handmakers at the BUST Holiday Craftacular tomorrow, sunday december 6th. i mean, how often do you get to fondle squishy handspun yarn, jewelry made out of fruit, repurposed vintage textiles, and hand-cast jewelry right in front of the person who made them (convenient if you have any questions! like, how exactly does one make jewelry out of fruit anyway?). these are just a few of my participating buddies but you can scope out the entire vendor list and make a game plan of how to allot your dollars.
oh yeah, almost forgot! here’s a peek of new stuff i’m bringing:
whatever’s left after this weekend will be posted in my shop next week, if i can manage to squeeze a photo shoot in…
i must go and pack up the car but please, wherever you live, seek out your local craft fairs (there are BUST Craftaculars in LA and london next weekend! and there is a comprehensive list of maker sales here) this month and show that you care about artisans!