hey! my Drafting Leggings Pattern and Sewing Leggings workshops are featured this month as part of Creativebug’s February Lookbook! if you haven’t tried it yet, making your own leggings is way more possible than you think, and allows you to make them any way you like (extra long? organic fabric? purple polka dots?) and quite inexpensively. there are a bunch of other cool classes too, like drawing and paper flowers and even sewing a denim apron which is SO up my alley. there are so many awesome classes in their catalog now, i am often surprised to find ones i’ve missed whenever i hop over. so, chances are there will be some new-to-you surprises in store for you as well.
techniques i cover include sewing with stretchy knits (no serger required), inserting an elastic waistband AND a soft fabric band (which means you can make them super high-waisted when it’s cold out, and then fold the band down when it’s warmer). there are so many great knitted fabrics in the market now, which reminds me i’ve been meaning to do a post on fabric resources so stay tuned for that…
as usual, all of my links to Creativebug are affiliate links!