one fine sunny saturday afternoon in january, over coffee on a patio outdoors (an extremely rare thing for january in these parts), an idea was hatched between three fiber-loving friends, designers, and etsy shopkeepers: myself, jill of jill draper makes stuff (and now jill draper blogs) and cris, of into the whirled. the seeds planted in that conversation sprouted a few weeks later, when jill came up with the brilliant observation that we are each a part of the same chain of process: cris dyes and cards fiber, jill spins fiber into yarn, and i crochet yarn into hats and other wearables. wouldn’t it be fun, she suggested, to follow the same four ounces of fiber through each of our hands and document the entire process? cris and i enthusiastically agreed that YES it would!
all three of us find it fascinating to learn about the creative process of makers. we are going to break it down as much as we can, and share with you what’s happening in our minds as our hands do their thing…
so, join me in following the fiber over to into the whirled, where our story really begins!