and just like that, it’s the holidaze! i opted out of my usual blizzard of holiday markets this year, but there was one i just couldn’t give up and it’s this weekend: saturday 12/21 from 5-8pm: the WINTER POP-UP MARKET at the Old Glenford Church Studio!
organized by the dynamic duo of Mor Pipman and Cindy Hoose, this event (which feels more like an intimate holiday party with your new favorite artist pals you haven’t yet met) includes 13 of my dearest maker besties, who will each be bringing their handmade wares, like pictorial lamps and nightlights, gender-tastic coloring books, topographic Catskill map mugs, stuffed and stitched friends, artwork, jewels and potions! you can see photos from each artist at the above post if you want to get a feel for the level of skill and awesomeness i’m talking about. these are some of the best Hudson Valley makers, in my opinion.
Erin von Holdt and i will be representing #theCwordCrochet with our kits and patterns, plus some fuzzy and cozy handmade giftables from each of us.
plus you can sit for a hand-cut silhouette portrait by Jenny Lee Fowler! get there early in case there’s a queue…

and if that’s not enough, the magical Mor is hard at work making mountains of hand-pies, cupcakes, soup and drinks to keep you sustained while you shop, plus many an exquisite edible gift to give. i’m a huge fan of her grapefruit marmalade and smoky salted toffee, if you were wondering. and her no-two-alike hand-decorated gingerbread houses and people are like none you’ve ever seen…

one more thing: if you’re struggling for the perfect gift for that creative (or wanna-be-creative) friend, child, teacher, neighbor, babysitter, cousin, pen-pal, especially those who are far away (no shipping required), you might consider a gift subscription to Creativebug! they’re having a holiday sale of 50% off through 12/25, and there are 3, 6 and full year options. the 3 months is only $15, which i think is a fantastic price for all those people you’re not super close to, but whom you appreciate and want to show a little love.