i just got back from 10 days in cleveland, my hometown, where i visited with my mom, sis and nieces. when i am there i’m always very lazy… we eat a lot (my sister made me eggplant parmesan and pineapple upside-down cake!) and i catch up on cable tv while working on all those projects i never get around to during ‘regular’ life. one highlight was visiting this tree which is completely covered in crochet. i had seen it in pictures on the web but in person it was breathtaking!
i did this piece of filet crochet as a test, because i’ve never done filet before. it’s supposed to be a rose but it’s kind of hard to see. i felted it in the washer/dryer and i think it looks better now. i’m going to try piecing it into a shirt for fall…i also made this little ‘baby puppy’ for my niece phoebe who turned 2 while i was there. she is my 3rd amigurumi and i suspect i will be making lots more in my lifetime.
the other projects i worked on were a crocheted hood/scarf combo which i still need to finish, a patchwork denim skirt which also needs a little more work, and what i think are the final squares for the granny-square shawl i’ve been working on for several months. i will post photos of all these when they’re finished, and i’m hoping that saying that will motivate me to do that right away. i need to get started on the fall collection of hodge podge…