Let’s hook up some rag rugs!


you guys! it’s SUMMER! today is July 1st (you probably know that) and since June was pure busy-ness for me, i’m beyond excited that starting today things can finally slow down a bit.

so, what are we gonna do all summer? have you been hooking rugs like mad? why? well, surely you’ve seen my new Crochet a Rag Rug workshop, right? no? because i never told you about it? oh dear. it would seem i’m only capable of communicating via Instagram and Facebook these days. i know it’s not right. but it’s so… easy. this blog post is already hours in the making and i just started writing it. yes, we can blame that pseudo-fancypants collage up above (made entirely of rugs made from the class!). i think it’s kinda cute though. anyhoo, here’s what i’m talking about:


it’s my latest online workshop and one of my faves. crochet rag rugs are super easy and forgiving, and you can make them out of all the old T-shirts/sheets/jeans/fabric you have lying around, or take a trip to your local thrift shop and see what goodies-that-want-to-become-rugs they have lying about! making these is so fun, and they are ideal summer projects, because you will most likely use cotton textiles (though i’ve got a wool jersey one in the works that’s really gorgeous). you can use the rugs as beach or picnic blankets, bathmats, trivets, or chair cushions, or make them into bowls, baskets or pet beds too… i’m sure you’ll find many reasons to need a few! so far i’ve been FLOORED (ha!) by the ones i’ve seen. you can see more (and find out who made them) over on my crochet rag rug pinboard.

so, who’s up for a RAG RUG-ALONG? i’ve been wanting to whip up some new ones and i’d love it if you’d join me. terms are simple: anytime before August 31, crochet one or more rag rugs and post on Instagram with hashtag #cbugragrug so we can see them all in one place. perhaps there will even be prizes. we’ll see.





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