where DOES the time go? as a rule i am opposed to apologizing for lapses in blogging (sometimes my Google Reader seems to be filled with nothing but these apologies) but i believe this may have been my longest unscheduled break to date. i guess it just seemed like all i had to post was more photos of snow, since we’ve pretty much been on a blizzard-a-week schedule around here since december.
january blitzed by, not at all in the way i pictured, which involved lots of lounging, hot cocoa, and project catching-up-on. instead i fulfilled a bunch of custom orders, did a ton of planning and scheduling, and shoveled a hell of a lot of snow.
so anyhoo, i just wanted to check in to say that today the temperature rose ABOVE FIFTY DEGREES (yes, outside) and it was extremely inspiring! there’s hope for us yet. i must go over my seed inventory and order what i need for this year’s garden (dye plants!) pronto. and i’ve uploaded a slew of new pics, and have lots to tell, so more posts to come this week…
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