it’s a brand new year, and i’ve got a brand new class for you on Creativebug! when you make your own clothes as i do, you become very attached to them, plus you know the time, work and cost that are invested in every piece. so when you start to notice signs of wear, or discover a hole, you don’t think twice about whether or not you’ll mend it: OF COURSE YOU WILL!!! my latest workshop, How to Mend Clothing, will show you an assortment of ways to mend your knits and wovens (handmade or not).
one of my favorite ways to mend is with crochet, which works great for larger holes in socks or sweaters because you’ll be creating new (sturdy and stretchy!) fabric to fill in the gap, and you can even shape the mend into a heel or toe!

i show two ways to repair your woven garments, more discreetly with the patch behind, and more visibly with the patch in front. you can go wild just playing with the possibilities of stitching and fabrics, or keep it simple and functional… and also a good way to mend and reinforce holes in cut-and-sew knits like t-shirts and leggings.

i also demonstrate traditional darning for smaller holes in knitwear, or even to fortify areas that are becoming thin before they actually develop a hole.
pulling together a mending kit, and learning some techniques to renew your worn clothes, will make your handmade wardrobe last even longer. i secretly do get a little excited when i find a hole or weak area, because i love every opportunity to try some new mending. i hope you’ll feel the same way!