as i mentioned in my previous post, i will be teaching 4 workshops from May 9-12 (SOON!) at my dear friend Katherine Ferrier’s dreamy studio in Rockland, Maine. we would love to fill these up, so please grab a friend or your mom and join us for a fun and educational experience!
you could create a sewing retreat long weekend by taking all four! but we’d love to see you at even one.

first in the lineup is Stitch It! Embroidery Basics, on May 9 from 6-8pm. it is so good to know some embroidery stitches! you can use them for decorating (even in subtle ways) your machine-sewn or store-bought clothes, for mending, for labeling things as yours or your kids’, for personalizing a gift… the list goes on and on. this can be an intro into the world of hand-stitching too. we’ll do a bit of applique as well!

next up is the famed Boxy Tee / Drapey Tunic, on Friday May 10 from 10-5. it’s probably my most essential class. think of this as the gateway to drafting your own patterns (it’s WAY easier than you think, i promise!) and taking charge of creating the wardrobe you want to wear. this pattern becomes the foundation for EVERYTHING. tops, T-shirts, tunics, dresses, jackets, cardigans, hoodies… just about anything except pants!
this class pairs very nicely with Piece Out the following day. you could use your new pattern!

then we have the MOST FUN CLASS OF ALL-TIME!!!
Piece Out: Patchwork Boxy Top Three Ways. i teach this together with Katherine and we have a fantastic time! one day we’ll make it a week-long retreat, but for now it’s a one-day class we only manage to offer once or twice a year (the only other chance this year is at Medomak Fiberarts Retreat, which we also highly recommend you attend)!

and the final class for this trip is VISIBLE MENDING: Mothers’ Day Edition on Sunday May 12 from 1-4pm, also co-taught with Katherine. we will share our tips and techniques for elevating the mundane pile of mending to a joyful art form! bring your Mom, your friend, your sister or your neighbor and spend a lovely afternoon stitching and sharing stories of our connections to our clothing and textiles!
full details and supply lists can be found on Katherine’s site; links above for each class take you to all you’ll need to know and the registration button too.
hope to see you in class!