see, i knew this “three things” business might work for me… just to get me in the habit of being here. i always have so many things to say, but they rarely make it onto the page…
- i’m still at peak frenzy of starting ALL the projects, joining ALL the make-alongs, and feeling super inspired and motivated for the year ahead. it’s a typical january for me! i’m spinning along with jillian, crocheting along with aoibhe, and painting along with lisa. how about you?
- if you’re local to me (Hudson Valley/Catskills area of NY) i’ve started posting some winter classes on my teaching page, and the first items of note are 2 crochet classes at my favorite/only LYS and sheep farm, White Barn Farm in Gardiner. Crochet 101 is the first two sundays in february, and the following sunday is Hook Up A Hat. find all the deets and register over here.
- i haven’t been very successful with my Make Nine plans the past two years, but i’m liking this new trend i’m seeing people do, where they create project goals instead of choosing specific projects. i might try that instead…